International projects

CEPS PROJECTES SOCIALS has designed, implemented, justified and transferred international projects (mainly EU co financed) in the fields of expertise: the fight against discrimination and social exclusion, equal opportunities, training, development of local policies, and innovation in the social field.

In any case, international projects are perceived and experienced as a twofold track: on one hand, they are a source of networking, innovation, knowledge and action, and on the other hand they promote bottom up approaches, letting the voices of the field be heard by bigger institutions.

Some international projects:


Since April 2024, CEPS is leading and participating in the European project EUR(H)OPE together with our partners QCODE Associazione Culturale (Milan, Italy), Qendra Uja (Tirana, Albania) and Morocco’s Friends Foundation (Tiznit, Morocco). The project will run from April 2024 to March 2026 and receives funding from the Erasmus+ Capacity Building Programme for Youth. EUR(H)OPE is a project that explores in depth issues of migration, identity and belonging and includes training and exchange activities aimed at the exploration of national and…Read More »

#ECHOP - giving better food to people in need

CEPS has been selected as part of a European Cooperation Project – Erasmus + Programme to carry out the project #ECHOP – “European cooperation to accompany food aid organisations to diversify their offer and provide better food to people in need”. This project aims to support and train managers of food aid organisations to promote access to regular, high quality and adequate food for people living in poverty. More information on this project and the documents produced can be found…Read More »

Escape Rooms for CCI's

Gamification is the process of applying game mechanics to non-game environments to create gaming experiences. It is recognised as a good method for increasing engagement and motivation. Escape Rooms (ER) can be considered an ideal form of gamification in training, as they allow for a wide range of possible topics and areas that can be addressed through the puzzles offered by the game. The ER for CCIs project will develop different activities to explore the benefits of gamification for the…Read More »

Trainers4Creativity (T4C)

The Trainers4Creativity (T4C) project supported Trainers/Youth Workers active in the creative and cultural areas by making them more skilled and prepared for a context dominated by uncertainty, with the development of a set of training resources that help them to offer attractive and accessible activities while contributing to making SCCs (cultural and creative sectors) more resilient and adapted to the “new normal”. The main objective of the project was to make youth organisations more resilient, inclusive, and attractive by training…Read More »

Beyond the tales - Engaging Youth In Climate Migration

Climate change and migration present two seemingly separate challenges. However, these issues are inextricably linked. They are global problems that are not isolated, interdependent, intertwined and complex. It is therefore important that they are approached in a connected manner. Within this challenging framework, Beyond the Tales addresses youth workers to provide them with knowledge and information to enable them to acquire and strengthen skills and develop a critical understanding of climate migration. Through the educational and awareness-raising approach, it also…Read More »

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