CEPS PROJECTES SOCIALS has designed, implemented, justified and transferred international projects (mainly EU co financed) in the fields of expertise: the fight against discrimination and social exclusion, equal opportunities, training, development of local policies, and innovation in the social field.
In any case, international projects are perceived and experienced as a twofold track: on one hand, they are a source of networking, innovation, knowledge and action, and on the other hand they promote bottom up approaches, letting the voices of the field be heard by bigger institutions.
Some international projects:
Posted on February 3, 2022 by gg

The European TEDDA project aimed to support European associative structures and other actors in their ecological transition by creating innovative training tools. This 26-month project brought together 5 European partners. Why? As announced in the framework of the Green Deal launched by the European Commission, all economic sectors must commit to the ecological and solidarity-based transition. Associative structures are an important component of the economic and social fabric of the European Union and represented more than 9 million workers in…
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Posted on September 1, 2021 by gg

There is an urgent need in Europe to overcome social forces and tendencies that lead to conflict, division and social alienation. Across the generations, in communities most affected by the economic downturn and the isolation forced upon them by the Covid-19 pandemic, people with creative talent are feeling marooned and isolated. The European Community and Participatory Arts movement is characterised by a critical social engagement where practising artists from many fields (performance, music, dance, drama, writing, the visual arts, digital…
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Posted on June 28, 2021 by gg

The #DiOtherCity project proposes an adult learning programme for professionals in the Cultural and Creative Industries (CCIs), who wish to learn practical applications of digital tools to design innovative cultural experiences in their city. The focus will be on creating alternative narratives as well as new digital environments, whilst designing city tours in peripheral spaces. The project responds to the dramatic changes in 2020 that have left many CCI professionals unemployed. Many creative activities have moved from live to virtual…
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Posted on January 19, 2021 by gg

#Gaming4skills project The use of games in education or to improve people’s skills has a long history, but lately, the educational potential of video games has gained some attention. After a huge wave of educational games in the 1990s, the focus is now on the potential use of video games in a classroom context. Although there are already many teachers in favour of their use, how to introduce them still generates some confusion. Firstly, teachers need guidance in using video…
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Posted on January 13, 2021 by gg

Across Europe, exhibitions are used as a common educational practice to enhance learners’ critical thinking, problem solving and reflection. A common use of exhibition by schools is to organise a visit, which has positive learning value in a diversity of structures (outdoor, museums, temporary exhibitions, etc) or settings and on a large variety of topics (art, history, sciences, etc), yet, it remains a fairly passive learning experience, based on following a path of discovery decided by somebody else, i.e. the museum…
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