That is why, #VXdesigners project aims to making the exhibition an active experience and at the same time, benefit from the development of technological means such as the multiplication of terminals and publication of classical artwork online. The goal is to put the learners truly at the centre of the exhibition development process and maximize their learning and interest through a project-based learning activity: CO-CURATING AN EXHIBITION. In other words, our objective is to allow learners to be the designers of their own exhibition using digital tools in a meaningful and innovative non-formal approach to learning.
To do so, partnership will create a methodology to make the most of exhibitions as a pedagogical tool to develop student’s skills in an inclusive way (specific learning disorders, cultural differences) and to provide teachers and students with the tools to create their own virtual exhibition for learning.
Our target is secondary school learners and their teachers/trainers, whose skills we wish to support and strengthen in order to facilitate this innovative approach to the teaching and learning process.
VX Designers will produce the following intellectual outputs:
- Exhibition and school guide
- Exhibition generator Platform
- User guide for virtual exhibitions creation
- Pedagogical guide
- The exhibitions design and their pedagogical sequences
The #VXdesigners project will be implemented between October 2020 and September 2022, by the following partners from 6 EU countries: ARTeria (PL), LogoPsyCom (BE), Les Apprimeurs (FR), CEPS Projectes Socials (ES), EELI – European Education and Learning Institute (GR), Citizens in Power (CY).
The #VXdesigners project is co-funded by the ERASMUS+ programme of the EU. Its content reflects the views of the authors, and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein (2020-1-BE01-KA201-074989)