The aim of the #TUTORBOT project is to design, test and teach trainers on an innovative digital learning tool and methodologies for VET education: a Conversational Agent Technology, mostly known as chatterbot or chatbot, with an ad hoc designed modular learning path to support VET students in their learning process.
The project will introduce opportunities for the initial and continuous professional development of VET teachers, trainers and mentors on developing effective digital, open and innovative educational tools and methodologies. This will be done by designing several chatbots to be used as tutors in the learning process of VET learners and by giving the teachers, trainers and mentors a platform and a design guide (including a training session module) to integrate the chatbots in their own activities. The chatbots and the technologies that support it are potential enormous drivers of improvements in education and training. They are seen by many experts as the future of education.
This project will provide for the VET sector:
practical tools: 4 ready to use chatbots for different VET sectors, and a chatbot creation platform
learning material: a chatbot design guide and a training module on chatbot creation with a dedicated chatbot
#TUTORBOT will combine the use of conversational and easy to use digital agents with innovative technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.
The project will is co-finance d by the European Union’s ERASMUS+ programme, and runs from October 2018 to September 2020. It will be implemented in 5 EU countries by the following partners: Edulog (France) , Logopsycom (Belgium), Grone (Germany), IFOA (Italy), AKETH (Greece) and CEPS Projectes Socials (Barcelona)