The #HITproject curriculum has at its heart the concept of ‘Hate Interrupter Teams’ (HIT): working groups of young people (14-19) who, through participatory and inclusive practices based on the arts facilitated by Youth work practitioners can create tools and develop strategies to counter hate speech and behavior towards migrants (HSBM) in their communities, at school and among their peers.
Download here the HIT curriculum in English.
The Hate Interrupter Team (HIT) curriculum emphasizes active citizenship and social inclusion, promoting self-initiative, developing communication skills and digital competencies that support creativity, increasing opportunities for awareness and cultural expression.
Target groups: This tool can be used by professionals who work with young people and wish to support their participatory action, with the aim of training them to counter HSBM towards migrants among their peers and other areas of social action. In addition, the HIT program proposes activities that can allow HITs to get to involve people capable of influencing the general population (opinion formers) in the implementation of a broad public awareness campaign to counter HSBM, facilitating the access of young people to relevant information on the subject and offering creative strategies to be able to counter it.
Structure: The study plan is organized into 4 macro areas:
1) Human rights and hate speech
2) Creative campaigns and digital storytelling
3) Social marketing
4) Storyboard.
Updates: The activities included in this document are starting points for working with HIT in macro areas. More material will be uploaded as examples of good HIT practice emerge in partner countries.
The HIT project (REC-RRAC-RACI-AG-2017-807861) has been co-financed with the support of the European Commission’s DG Justice and Consumers. Its contents and materials are the sole responsibility of its authors. The Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.