The RAIN.BOW project aims to promote social inclusion and positive values through the introduction of non-formal educational methods in schools. The project will create a diverse community that will be formed to create and promote campaigns of tolerance and peace. Thanks to the design approach, each target group (high school teachers and students) will internalize concepts and strategies that will allow them to promote common values and civic skills.
At the beginning of the project, the partners will develop a survey on social and civic skills and awareness of the fundamental values of teachers and students. Following the results of the research, the partnership will develop a training program for teachers and educational material for students to develop skills and awareness in the core values of peace, tolerance and equal opportunity.
A European Values contest on fundamental rights, respect, peace and active citizenship will be organized in 2022 and subsequently a “European Values Camp” will be created where the target groups will experiment together the training modules and rework materials and tools. During the camp, the target groups will produce a widespread “Values Campaign”.
The project has four innovative aspects:
- The combination of a top-down and bottom-up approach. Teachers and students will be trained (top-down) and will develop an alternative information campaign and new training methods (bottom-up).
- Cooperative and intergenerational learning. At the European Values Camp, teachers and students will work together and will be trainers and students at the same time. They will develop mutual trust by demonstrating the possibility of collaboration between generations and different roles. Thanks to the material developed during the training, teachers will develop greater empathy and will be able to work with students as their partners in the development of the educational process.
- Creation of a European community of values. All those who have an educational responsibility will abandon their isolation and begin to build bridges to each other to contribute to the spread of messages of collaboration, peace, tolerance and democracy. The target groups will produce subsidiary interventions.
- Non-formal education. The project will use the experience and methods of non-formal education, which use youth associations to transfer them to the school system. This approach will allow on the one hand to change the perspective of teachers towards students and young people in general and on the other to change their approach towards students in order to make their teaching more effective.
The RAINBOW Project has a duration of 3 years starting from January 2020 until January 2023.
The #RainbowErasmusPlus project is funded by the European Union’s Erasmus + Programme. The content of the project reflects the views only of the authors, and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Project code: 612131-EPP-1-2019-1-IT-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN
Project coordinated by: Professional Training Association of the Patronato San Vincenzo – Italy
Partners: Center of Creative Training Association (CCTA) – Bulgaria; The Ligue de L’Enseignement – France; University of Valahia in Targoviste (UVT) – Romania; Associació for a la creació d’estudis i projectes socials (CEPS Projectes Socials) – Spain; Catholic Education Flanders – Belgium; National Center for Salesian Works – Vocational Education and Training Centers (CNOS-FAP) – Italy;