Sing up for this two-day workshop for teachers and educators, with practical tips and free resources on how to explore civic and social values with teenagers (incl. human rights, prevention of hate speech, media literacy, etc.)
4th Nov – Theory and methodologies : RAINBOW project and elParlante‘s experience in the classroom and access to resources.
8th Nov – Practical tips and exercises : Dialogue about resources and co-creation of a concrete edu-communication project for the classroom (with based on real needs of the learners.
Time: 15-19h
Venue: Avinguda de la Fabregada, 22 3º planta. 08907 Hospitalet de Llobregat
Workshop organized by: CEPS Projectes Socials in collaboration with elParlante
Register here online (only 8 places available)
This training is organized in the framework of the RAINBOW project aims to promote social inclusion and positive values through the introduction of non-formal educational methods in schools. Thanks to an innovative approach, educators and students will be able to internalize concepts and strategies that will allow them to promote common values and civic skills.
Until February 2022 educators will be able to implement RAINBOW activities with their students, and participate in the European campaign RAINBOW in social networks, to promote civic values and tolerance. They will also be able to participate in the RAINBOW contest, in which they will be able to win a trip to Bulgaria in July 2022 (5 students 2 educators), where they will be able to meet other young “activists” from Europe.
The RAINBOW Project has a duration of 3 years starting from January 2020 until January 2023. It has been Co-financed by the ERASMUS + Programme of the European Union. Its content and material reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Project code: 612131-EPP-1-2019-1-IT-EP-PKA3-IPI-SOC-IN.
EU project partners: Professional Training Association of the Patronato San Vincenzo – Italy, Center of Creative Training Association (CCTA) – Bulgaria; The Ligue de L’Enseignement – France; University of Valahia in Targoviste (UVT) – Romania; CEPS Projectes Socials – Spain; Catholic Education Flanders – Belgium; National Center for Salesian Works – Vocational Education and Training Centers (CNOS-FAP) – Italy;