“We need to give each other the space to grow, to be ourselves, to exercise our diversity. We need to give each other space so that we may both give and receive such beautiful things as ideas, openness, dignity, joy, healing, and inclusion.” (Max de Pree)
As the recent European political scene testifies, there is an on-going trend of the nationalistic and xenophobic atmosphere within the EU societies, which is undoubtedly being reinforced in the recent years, due to the large refugee flows and the terrorist acts occurring across Europe. At this moment, Europe has a negative attitude in the world towards immigration.
This is why the “From Alienation to Inclusion”projects relies on the innovative and effective collaboration of the project partners and the development of a unique on-line environment, while also seeking to eliminate social, linguistic and psychological barriers which prevent migrants and refugees from being integrated in the new environment. Furthermore, a variety of pioneering digital tools and applications are being developed and designed for the creation of a strong network amongst European NGOs, social enterprises and charities for migrants and refugees. Therefore, the ultimate aim of the project is to bring together such organizations, thus adopting a more collective and effective action.
The project outcomes will be a collection of free training materials and links to existing apps on the FATI website, useful to facilitate the path from ‘alienation to inclusion’ of many migrants across the EU. The website will also feature a directory of NGOs supporting migrants in different countries.
Furthermore, a social media campaign will be specially designed to raise awareness on the topic through e-videos created by the consortium, which provide information about the general operation and contribution of the European NGOS and the European programs. This way the real process of inclusion can be presented and promoted, thus conveying the positive message of coexistence, interaction and equity. Besides, Youth organizations are invited to participate to the Youth Film-making Contest, by acquiring specialized knowledge on film-making tools and media campaigns with sociological ramifications, therefore empowering youth to incorporate these tools in future projects and in their daily work with such groups and more.
#FATIproject : From Alienation to Inclusion is co-financed by the ERASMUS+ programme of the European Commission and will be implemented by 6 EU partners (from Greece, Cypress, Spain, France, Lithuania) between March 2018 and February 2020.