Workshops for those who work with issues of integration, migration and refugees.
14th and 15th November 2018, from 10:00 AM to 1:30 PM
Venue: Centre Cívic de Sant Agustí, Carrer del Comerç, 36, 08003 Barcelona
Thanks to all the people who participated and created an enriching exchange. Here a summary of the time of the event. Next, some photos of the time of the event and the original program.
You can find here the photos and videos of the meeting.
The FATI project “From alienation to inclusion” is based on the innovative and effective collaboration of project partners and the development of a unique on-line environment.
At the same time, the social, linguistic and psychological barriers that prevent migrants and refugees from integrating into their new environment are eliminated.
In addition, within the framework of the #FATIproject, workshops presented by different entities working on the inclusion of migrants and refugees in Europe were offered.
These workshops that took place on November 14 and 15 were an opportunity for people and entities working with migrants and refugees and / or inclusion issues, to exchange knowledge and to discover practical material; in which techniques, as diverse as dance ‘contact’, digital applications to learn languages or experiment with augmented reality were known.
The workshops were organized by representatives of the partner organizations Digijeunes (France), Citizens in Power (Cyprus), IASIS (Greece), Universitat de Vilnius (Lithuania) and CEPS Projectes Socials (Barcelona).
Wednesday 14th November
9:30-10:00 Arrival of participants
10:00-10:15 Welcome and brief intro #FATIproject by C.I.P.and CEPS
10:15-10:45 ‘Kahoot’ digital icebreaker activity by Digijeunes
10:45-11:30 ‘Ethics and Admissions’ workshop animated by C.I.P.
10:30-12:15 ‘Communities of closure’ teamwork activity by C.I.P.
12:15-13:00 Artistic self-therapy: an intro to theatrical methodologies by IASIS
13:00-13:30 Eliminating the linguistic barrier: apps and online resources presented by Digijeunes and Vilnius University
Thursday 15th of November
9:30-10:00 arrival participants
10:00-10:15 Welcome and brief intro #FATIproject by C.I.P. and CEPS
10:15-11:00 ‘An intuitive mapping of cultural identity’, sharing of ideas animated by Vilnius University
11:00-12:00 Storytelling and communication for NGOs, and their role in creating new strategies for the integration of vulnerable populations by José Gutiérrez, Shofund and CEPS
You can access this course here:
12:00-13:00 Artistic self-therapy: an intro to theatrical methodologies by IASIS
13:00-13:30 Collaboration, Coordination and Innovation: explore a new online space that collects free tools for educators, by IASIS
The #FATIproject: From Alienation to Inclusion is co-financed by the ERASMUS + program of the European Commission and takes place between March 2018 and February 2020.
Organized in Barcelona: CEPS Projectes Socials