
#hatersfree workshops

Join a #hatersfree workshop in Barcelona The workshop is aimed at young people, educators, and people who work with social networks and want to prevent and fight the hate speech on the Internet. In three and a half hours we will have time to: Detect hate speech on networks See what actions can be reported and how Discuss how to prevent or intervene Share good practices and ideas Participate in the  Photography competition (UE)  – Win a trip to London! Free workshop…

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CEPS provides training for professionals in the fields of education, culture and promotion of welfare (including e-learning). Training actions are designed for professionals in order to give effective responses to their needs, as determined by studies carried out in the sectors of reference. CEPS is also involved in different masters and postgraduate studies at different Universities in Spain. On the other hand, CEPS has an special interest in promoting innovation and development in activities related not only with vocational or…

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T. 933 194 750 | F. 933 195 813
Gran de Sant Andreu, 388 08030 Barcelona

Work with us

CEPS Projectes Socials disposa, en aplicació de la legislació vigent, d’un canal de denúncies que garanteix la confidencialitat. Si creus que s’ha comés o s’està produint una infracció, ho pots comunicar. Canal de denúncies