International actions

European Cultural Learning Network: vocational educacion and training for culture

The European Cultural Learning Network (ECLN) has been established to explore the vocational education and training issues that are relevant to ‘Cultural Learning’ practitioners, and the organisations that employ them. ‘Cultural Learning’, comprehends the whole range of artistic and cultural learning that is delivered by artists and creative people within the informal, non-formal, or formal learning situations. The ECLN approach to the mapping of Cultural Learning was to create an ecological model. This connected 3 generic rationales for Cultural Learning (generalist: fun,…

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Creative actions for a SAME World for all people!

#sameworld #EYD2015 Climate Change, Environmental Injustice, Rights of Nature, Refugee and Migrant Rights…these are connected issues relevant to us all, but they are often presented in isolation. It is time to take action and see the connections. Environmental Justice is a key issue, but what does it mean? Basically, it means that all people have the same access to safe and healthy living conditions. However, at present, some people are enjoying the benefits of development: energy, clean water, and high…

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The training of disadvantaged young people in the cultural sector

Exchange of experiences of people who work in initial vocational training. Date:  1st June 2016 Place: Convent de Sant Agustí Hours: 10-14h This meeting is framed in the project Talent Matching led in Barcelona by CEPS Projectes Socials  and co-funded by the European Commission, it aims to formalize a training curriculum for the European figure of “Mentor of professional orientation ” in the cultural and creative sector. Based on a research / action approach and facilitating dialogue between different European cultural organizations and local…

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International “Talent Matching” event in Barcelona – 3rd February 2017

Mentoring Experiences and other tools to facilitate the access to the creative and cultural sector. Date: 3rd February 2017 Venue: Centre Cívic Pati Llimona, C- Regomir 3, 08002 Barcelona Time: 9:30 to 14:00 Organized by: CEPS Projectes Socials Thank you to all participants for an inspiring exchange of experiences. Here a summary of the day. Below some fotos and the original programme. More updates about the project  soon on this site. The aim of the Talent Matching project lead in Barcelona…

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Talent Matching: Vocational mentoring for IVETs in Europe’s creative and cultural industries

The aim of the Talent Matching project lead in Barcelona by CEPS Projectes Socials, is to design, test and validate a new training programme and EQF-aligned standards of competency framework for Vocational Mentors that support young disadvantaged people into Initial Vocational Education and Training (IVET) in Europe’s Creative and Cultural Industries (CCIs). For more information about research and actions done in Barcelona, access here. On the 1st July 2016, the partners held their second meeting in Rijeka, Croatia, which has…

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Projecte Connecting youth.

CEPS took part in the  “Debate in the Neighbourhood training Circle” organized by IDEA in Amsterdam in Marchl 2015. The seminar was focused in the exchange of debate experiences and methodologies, with the purpose of stimulating its use as a transforming tool. The association IDEA organized trainings and activities to use and share techniques to facilitate the information exchange and management in a debate context, as well as to create spaces fot eh discussion and sharing of debate experiences managed…

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Community Governance for public safety

The European project “Community Governance for public safety” wants to face the different common challenges concerning citizens safety in many European cities and specially those richer in social diversity. Thus, they will be implemented different models of horizontal coordination and public participation adapted to the needs and resources of social diverstiy at community level. Project ends in December 2014. Locally, the project is managed by   CEPS PROJECTES SOCIALS and it is implemented in  Barcelona, in  Raimon Casellas square, in the   Districte…

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What is the impact of a changing world on employment and plans for the future of young people in Europe today? Assuming that the globalization of products and services also affects the processes of innovation and R & D. Internet and hyper and have brought and increased information flow exponentially. The increasingly ubiquitous accessibility causes more people access to more knowledge, it generates a pulse of innovation and rapid change processes. With Declic’in project partners are opening the doors to…

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I:CUD (Internet: Creatively Unveiling Discrimination)

The educational anti-digital discrimination pack is ready! Free, digital and available on ICUD project’s website: The project I:CUD (Internet: Creatively Unveiling Discrimination) co-financed by the ‘DG Justice: Fundamental Rights & Citizenship Programme’ of the European Commission, seeks to raise awareness and explore innovative ways of combating discrimination online, especially on social network sites (sns), by paying attention to its hidden manifestations. I:CUD is responding to an urgent need to carry out more research and projects about the phenomenon at…

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AHEAD: Againts Homophobia: European local administration devices.

International coordination and international conference. The project objective is to produce a white paper that includes recommendations and best practices to promote local policies designed to combat discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity.

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736 ideas 4 adream

Exploring the possibilities of interaction between MEPs and members of civil society (young people and excluded people) from the making of images and texts which are grouped to the website, a book and an exhibition.

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Access to rights and citizenship

Its main aim is to investigate, in a participative way, with associations and people from the romanian community, which is the situation of their fundamental rights, as they are described by the European Union, and develop tools that allow both their knowledge and their improvement throughout a process of research-action during 2011 and 2012, integrating the detected expectations, necessities and proposals in the developement of the programmed actions in an open, participative way and adapted to the reality of the…

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T. 933 194 750 | F. 933 195 813
Gran de Sant Andreu, 388 08030 Barcelona

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