
humanitarian banderol #FATIproject

humanitarian banderol #FATIproject The #FATIproject offers banderols for ‘Humanitarian aid award for migrants and refugees’, which is issued to organizations that are committed to offer support and humanitarian aid to migrants and refugees located in the countries of the project consortium and beyond.

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Foto or video competition #BCNconcursoFATI

Photo or video competition on social media: ‘we are intercultural’ #BCNconcursoFATI There is a growing nationalist, racist and xenophobic tendency in EU societies, which is undoubtedly expanded in recent years by the bad images on refugee and immigrant flows. At this time, Europe has a negative attitude towards migrations and the arrival of people from other countries. From the FATI Project we want to counteract these negative images, and promote interculturality and the inclusion of all people in our society.…

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Game against hate

Do you want to become a superhero of modern times to find fake news and learn to survive in the virtual world? Then the #wordsarestones games is for you! Download it here: BOARD GAME_Social Hero Player Guideline BOARD GAME_Newsroom Player Guideline #Wordsarestones #hatersfree #ijoin

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¡¡Gana un viaje a Londres para 2!!

El concurso Words are Stones te invita a reemplazar el #hatespeech por #happyspeech! El premio es un viaje de dos días para 2 persona a Londres, con una visita a las sede de Facebook o Google. Con fotografía o vídeo, capta pintadas de discurso de odio y transformarlos en un mensaje positivo (ejemplos aquí) . Es fácil: Toma una foto o vídeo de una pintada con discurso del odio Edita la imagen para que se convierta en un mensaje positivo Envía tu fotografía/vídeo a: Dolores Forgione (…

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Good practice report for youth empowerment strategies (D2.1)

The Good practice report is a compilation of summaries of reports from all partner countries of the #HITproject that has strategies for youth empowerment to counter hate speech. Target groups: Stakeholders including authorities, civil society organizations, National Human Rights Contact Points of the Movement Against Hate Speech, media professionals, educators. The #HITproject promotes “Hate Interrupter Teams”: Young people countering hate speech towards migrants and minorities through a participatory and creative campaign (“HIT”). It is a 24-month project, co-financed by the…

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#hatersfree workshops

Join a #hatersfree workshop in Barcelona The workshop is aimed at young people, educators, and people who work with social networks and want to prevent and fight the hate speech on the Internet. In three and a half hours we will have time to: Detect hate speech on networks See what actions can be reported and how Discuss how to prevent or intervene Share good practices and ideas Participate in the  Photography competition (UE)  – Win a trip to London! Free workshop…

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#hatersfree youth campaign

 ¿Te ha pasado esto alguna vez? ¿Has presenciado discriminación contra alguien por su raza, género o orientación sexual en alguna Red Social? ¿Has sentido en tus propias carnes un discurso de odio por el simple hecho de manifestar una opinión? ¿Has visto fotografías, vídeos o memes que ridiculizaban a un grupo y fomentaban el odio hacia ellos? El crecimiento de Internet trae consigo no solo diversión pero también el acoso, bullying y las expresiones de odio, aprovechándose del anonimato…

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Workshops: from alienation to inclusion

Workshops for those who work with issues of integration, migration and refugees. 14th  and 15th November 2018, from 10:00 AM to 1:30 PM Venue: Centre Cívic de Sant Agustí, Carrer del Comerç, 36, 08003 Barcelona Thanks to all the people who participated and created an enriching exchange. Here a summary of the time of the event. Next, some photos of the time of the event and the original program. You can find here the photos and videos of the meeting. The FATI project “From…

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Everything for the praxis

Since the year 2000, Joan Pedregosa set up our European project area, with modesty and a lot of work creating synergies and contacts. After all these years a network of partners, experts and researchers has been built that have worked and work on projects that seek to develop methodologies that favor social change from the base. It is this legacy that he has left us and we continue with admiration and sadness. We miss him very much. * The title refers to…

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International conference on Digital Discrimination and Social Networks

The ICUD project’s international conference on Digital Discrimination and Social Networks took place on 13th and 14th March 2014 in Barcelona. Academics, researchers, activists, youth workers, Internet and social networks experts, members of NGOs, knowledge providers and anyone interested in the issues surrounding discrimination on the Internet and especially social network sites participated at this event. The objective of the conference was to invite participants to actively share current experiences and research and push forward our knowledge to fight discrimination. This was the…

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International “Talent Matching” event in Barcelona – 3rd February 2017

Mentoring Experiences and other tools to facilitate the access to the creative and cultural sector. Date: 3rd February 2017 Venue: Centre Cívic Pati Llimona, C- Regomir 3, 08002 Barcelona Time: 9:30 to 14:00 Organized by: CEPS Projectes Socials Thank you to all participants for an inspiring exchange of experiences. Here a summary of the day. Below some fotos and the original programme. More updates about the project  soon on this site. The aim of the Talent Matching project lead in Barcelona…

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T. 933 194 750 | F. 933 195 813
Gran de Sant Andreu, 388 08030 Barcelona

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CEPS Projectes Socials disposa, en aplicació de la legislació vigent, d’un canal de denúncies que garanteix la confidencialitat. Si creus que s’ha comés o s’està produint una infracció, ho pots comunicar. Canal de denúncies