

What is the impact of a changing world on employment and plans for the future of young people in Europe today? Assuming that the globalization of products and services also affects the processes of innovation and R & D. Internet and hyper and have brought and increased information flow exponentially. The increasingly ubiquitous accessibility causes more people access to more knowledge, it generates a pulse of innovation and rapid change processes. With Declic’in project partners are opening the doors to…

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I:CUD (Internet: Creatively Unveiling Discrimination)

The educational anti-digital discrimination pack is ready! Free, digital and available on ICUD project’s website: The project I:CUD (Internet: Creatively Unveiling Discrimination) co-financed by the ‘DG Justice: Fundamental Rights & Citizenship Programme’ of the European Commission, seeks to raise awareness and explore innovative ways of combating discrimination online, especially on social network sites (sns), by paying attention to its hidden manifestations. I:CUD is responding to an urgent need to carry out more research and projects about the phenomenon at…

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In Declic’in project we work on building a 3D printer and use with a youth group. The printer you have chosen is the BCN3D, a printer that is part OpenSoruce called RepRap project.

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The 3D printers

3D printers is an innovative and very new and the understanding of both their technology and their learning is complex and must resort to specialists, although the media is between the trends of the “do it yourself” or broadcast which is the next industrial revolution in the “do at home”, the reality is that they require specific expertise.

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New international meeting for Access to rights and citizenship project

22ond and 23rd of October will be held an international meeting of the partnership of the project Access to rights and citizenship project where CEPS PROJECTES SOCIALS is participating. The meeting will be held at the Cité Nationale de l’Histoire de l’émigration in Paris, France and we will be focused on the preparation of the final meeting and delivering of main products of the project.

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Seminari Drets polítics a la UE i consciència europea. 6/7/2012

In El Pati LLimona, it will be held an open seminar on the question of political rights linked to UE members in the frame of Access to rigths and citizenship project.

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Visit of Rumanian delegation studying prisons and cooperative sector

Identificació d’entrevistes, estructuració de programa, suport logístic i de traducció a una delegació de responsables de projectes socials, directors de presons, educadors i funcionaris per estudiar l’organització del model català, la relació amb el tercer sector i les possibilitats de la seva implementació futura a Romania durant el mes de juny de 2012.

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AHEAD: Againts Homophobia: European local administration devices.

International coordination and international conference. The project objective is to produce a white paper that includes recommendations and best practices to promote local policies designed to combat discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity.

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736 ideas 4 adream

Exploring the possibilities of interaction between MEPs and members of civil society (young people and excluded people) from the making of images and texts which are grouped to the website, a book and an exhibition.

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Access to rights and citizenship

Its main aim is to investigate, in a participative way, with associations and people from the romanian community, which is the situation of their fundamental rights, as they are described by the European Union, and develop tools that allow both their knowledge and their improvement throughout a process of research-action during 2011 and 2012, integrating the detected expectations, necessities and proposals in the developement of the programmed actions in an open, participative way and adapted to the reality of the…

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Previous International Projects

Above a list of the main international projects where CEPS has participated. Local Forums for Participatory Democracy, 2009-2010 This project involved reflection and creation of tools to promote democratic participation by digital means. Intercultural Youth Panels, 2009 This project concerns how young people can play an essential role in the process of identifying the strengths and opportunities of living in a culturally diverse area. They should be able to better understand the challenges that their cities are facing and, simultaneously,…

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T. 933 194 750 | F. 933 195 813
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CEPS Projectes Socials disposa, en aplicació de la legislació vigent, d’un canal de denúncies que garanteix la confidencialitat. Si creus que s’ha comés o s’està produint una infracció, ho pots comunicar. Canal de denúncies