The CHANGE OF VIEW project aims to renew the methods of support for vulnerable groups, in particular the remobilization phase, the first step in any training program. The 6 partners of the project from 4 EU countries, Belgium, Spain, France and Luxembourg, contribute in their usual activities to one or more European priorities such as the fight against school and / or work dropout, the inclusion of people with disabilities in the workplace, the development of transversal skills and the fight against illiteracy.

On October 25, 2021, the event-workshop to present the free resources of the CHANGE OF VIEW project will take place from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., which are:

  • A game co-designed with people from different contexts and countries, to make visible their potential, their abilities, to help them in the construction of a life course, a path towards employment and social inclusion.
  • A frame of reference for the trainer / s that allows them to build a conceptual framework around “empowerment”, positive pedagogy and capacities, to develop in each individual the power to act and promote self-esteem, self-confidence, initiative, creativity to increase skills.
  • A gallery of “inspiring portraits” or “role models” created with the target audience accompanied by a methodology to enrich and use this gallery. These “role models” are not idols or superheroes, but inspiring leaders who allow them to recognize themselves in people close to their experience and reality and escape the spiral of self-discrimination.

Event organized by Trànsit Projectes, with the support of CEPS Projectes Socials

Registration here

The experience of the project partners has led them to verify that the staff or the educators tend to position themselves in a unilateral relationship of support towards the interested parties and that too often the intervention models are not considered from the needs expressed by them. last, but by those perceived by them. educators. At the same time, these adult students sometimes unconsciously demonstrate self-discrimination. They then adopt attitudes of resignation to avoid facing situations that seem hostile to them. Too often, these so-called “vulnerable” audiences are rated by their weaknesses, their shortcomings, rather than their potential, their aspirations, their resources, while developing incredible survival strategies.

We have defined three work objectives for this project:

Change the paradigm of pedagogical reference of the educators and the personnel that accompanies these students.
Make learners’ abilities explicit and make their potential visible
Fight Self-Discrimination Against Adult Learners

To achieve these goals, the project partners created innovative educational resources that can be used by professionals in the field of adult education.

Throughout the project, adult students from different countries of the alliance will be associated to build educational resources for and with them. This co-construction, which will also be associated with social work students, will help change the way we look at people and recognize them in their wealth, their potential, their innate talents. The project resources will be available online and can be used by all educators in the European Union beyond the field of adult education.

To ensure that the tools developed are flexible and adaptable to the different situations in European countries, the project will be developed within the framework of European cooperation and its products will be translated into English, Spanish and French.

The project will have an impact on the education and training system, as it aims to improve training systems in the adult education sector and, in general, support this audience. This work methodology can be applied in all training sectors and with all types of public: women, young people, people with disabilities, migrants, but also schools, students, apprentices … In fact, it allows educators, teacher trainers put in place the right conditions to promote a more social and collaborative learning that allows everyone to develop their skills

The Change of View project is co-funded by the ERASMUS + Program of the European Union, and its duration is from September 2019 to October 2021 (project code: 2019-1-FR01-KA204-062326).

The project partners are:

IRFSS Nouvelle-Aquitaine (France) (leader)
Pôle Culture et Santé Nouvelle Aquitaine (France)
Collectif Formation Société – CFS (Belgium)
Association internationale pour la Promotion des valeurs humaines AIHV (Luxembourg)
Trànsit Projectes (Spain)